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Available Badges

K8s Explorer

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K8s Apprentice

150 Points

Complete Course 1 : Build a First Kubernetes Cluster

K8s Architect

200 Points

Complete Course 2: Build a First Kubernetes Application

K8s Defender

300 Points

Complete Course 3: Backup Your Kubernetes Application

K8s Helmsman

400 Points

Complete Course 1, 2, & 3

K8s Rookie

150 Points

Complete The KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Special Edition Lab

K8s Contender

450 Points

Complete Course 4: Application Consistency

K8s Protector

450 Points

Complete Course 5: Storage and Applications in Kubernetes

K8s Surveyor

450 Points

Complete Course 7: Introduction to Kubernetes Security

K8s Assessor

500 Points

Complete Course 8: Kubernetes Security – Intermediate Skills

K8s Networking Rookie

150 Points

Complete Special Edition Course: Kubernetes Networking Fundamentals

K8s Pro

300 Points

Complete Special Edition: Kubernetes Troubleshooting

K8s Monitor

500 Points

Complete Course 14: Kubernetes Observability

K8s Publisher

150 Points

Complete Course 6 : Introduction to Helm

K8s Customizer

250 Points

Complete Course 9 : Introduction to Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)

K8s Precursor

100 Points

Complete Course: Pre-work for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2023 Learning Day

K8s Scaler

300 Points

Complete Course 10 : Kubernetes Autoscaling

K8s Solver

200 Points

Complete Course 11: Introduction to Kubernetes Troubleshooting

K8s Guardian

200 Points

Complete Course 12: Traffic Management with Istio and Data Safety with Kasten K10

K8s Expert

1,500 Points

Complete Complete all K10 labs: 0, 3, 4, 5, 12 and 14

K8s Cyber Champ

200 Points

Complete Course 13: Defeating Ransomware with Kasten K10

K8s Wizard

300 Points

Complete Course 15: KubeCon 2023 Challenge (KubeAthon)

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Kasten K10